Help in the business context generated by Covid-19
In many industries, COVID-19 has already impacted operations and will certainly have a major effect on 2020 results.
While the impact will vary by geography, unless your business is in medical equipment or services, telecom, electro-IT, agriculture and food production or retail, courier services, most likely it has been seriously affected and will face further difficulties in the coming period.
Speed is of essence in both ensuring organizations’survival and in preparing a post-crisis recovery plan.
Embedding digital channel(s) and tools helps companies act promptly to ensure appropiate responses as well as quick decision-making in the crisis.
Digital may serve on three plans: employees, suppliers and not last, clients.
- Facilitate remote work and virtual meetings. We encountered several companies which didn’t experience work from home before. Facing the Emergency State, they had to organize themselves fast for employees to be able to stay connected and productive. Now that COVID generated a paradigm shift, these working habits are expected to stick.
- New flows for cooperation and alignment, documents exchange – for bookkeeping purposes etc
- Digital tools for sprints
- Online sales channel – end-to-end, from ordering to delivery or click&collect, where possible. Consumers adoption of online channels accelerated and this preference is expected to last.
- Bots to assist customers, RPA
- Digital advertising – marketing activities (where not supressed) to be moved online, if this channel is more productive
- Digital aspects of the supply chain – IoT or other technologies driving improvements to traditional supply chains, processes automation
- Digital tools for supply chain monitoring & visibility on suppliers’ – e.g. stock management dashboard
- Data processing, incl big data as input for revised supply chain approach – e.g. order forecast based on AI
Act now to reshape your business. Ensight can assist your company in turning its processes digital and prepare for the new post-crisis reality.
Let’s talk about your specific circumstances – contact us here.